Jalaye Gambura Oruwa Danne Na Chords
Jagath Wickramasinghe
Last Played 25/03/2025 12:06
Play Count 6522 Contributor: Sampath Galagedara
Play Count 6522 Contributor: Sampath Galagedara
View +10 more Jagath Wickramasinghe Chords
Chord Diagrams for 'Jalaye Gambura Oruwa Danne Na' song:
[Verse 1] ----------------------------- C Dm C jalaye gebura oruwa danne ne Em F C male suwada jala danne ne C7 F site aruma nanga danne ne G G7 C nange nubata boru kiyanne ne [Chorus] ----------------------------- C G adarei man adarei Dm site tiyana senehe tarama C kiya denna ennam Dm G C adarei man adarei [Verse 2] ----------------------------- C Dm C nenda mama mata banivido Em F C duwa denna be kiyawido C7 F newum sihina sunva yavido G G7 C nubawat mata bahak devido
10 More Songs by Jagath Wickramasinghe:
Jalaye Gambura Oruwa Danne Na Lyrics:

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